We are currently seeking Individuals or organizations that are interested in changing the world we live in. People that want to enhance the community & neighborhood that they live and work in. An institution or body that is passionate about art and want to see more of it throughout the city. People that can help facilitate public art on a large scale and across all areas. If you have the means to help fund these projects and want to help make a positive impact in your community, please contact us. Together we can change the environment we live in, and that will create change in the people who live in that environment.

The beginning of The NoCo Arts District - Jeffersonville IN

The Art Cartel, founded in Louisville, Kentucky strives to provide art that is thought provoking & visually stimulating. As artists, we expand cultural boundaries and awaken sensual consciousness with brilliant colors, shapes, and sounds. We believe that public art allows us to enhance neighborhoods and bring the community together, giving the people that live in those neighborhoods a greater sense of home and pride. The need to see art is as great as the need to create it. To expand our consciousness we must move beyond our own environments to know what infinitely connects us. Public art is the ultimate way to help an area grow, and inspire the people that come in contact with it. We are eager to work with individuals in the cultures that surround us. We will form relationships that encourage the magnificent ebb and flow of creative dialogue and bring it to the community.

Wilfred Sieg III is steadily becoming recognized as an eclectic visionary artist. His paintings and sculpture display originality and depth that captivate viewers bringing an eloquent appearance of light to darkness. Wilfred’s art is beautifully flowing and subliminal with a subjective dreamlike quality. His artistic expression illustrates an unordinary complex foresight which strikes emotional chords and fulfills the viewer’s subconscious imagination.
Wilfred choses art as a means of healing and self expression. For the past thirty years he has created and established a widely diverse collection of multimedia consisting of paintings, video, sculpture, graphic design, and photography. Upon his first art show, Wilfred sold nearly every one of his paintings with the small exception of pieces belonging to his private collection.
